Recording Studio Orlando: Orlando Hip Hop Recording Studio

Orlando hip hip recording studio

If you live in Central Florida and you’re a hip hop artist, at some point you’ve probably asked yourself, out of all the recording studios in Orlando, Fl can I record hip hop at all of them?

That’s a good question and the answer is technically yes.

Yes, you can record hip hop or rap music at any studio with a microphone but there are distinct qualities, music studios should have to excel in the recording of hip hop music.

Recognizing those qualities early on will lead you to a successful recording session. We’ll discuss those qualities in this blog.

1. Equipment:   

Having the right equipment to do the hip hop genre is the upmost important quality to look for when you’re searching for an Orlando hip hop recording studio.

When vetting recording studios in Orlando, Fl, ask for the professional recording studio equipment list.

The more tool’s artists, producers, and engineers have at their disposal the more you can experiment with the tones and harmonics you are accustom to hearing in certain styles of hip hop.

The tools can help create many different styles of hip hop or lead you to create your own style altogether.

If you want the warm 90’s boom bap sound or tone you may want to plug your MPC or synthesizer into some API mic pres with the gain up enough to get a little saturation going to tape/computer.

That alone will get you some warm, round punchiness before adding any equalization or dynamics to the equation.

If your sound is more modern, make sure the studio has the plugins the most popular engineers and producers of today are using to get that sound.

Research - If your favorite trap artist is 2 Chainz and you want to emulate his sound, figure out what he’s using for his mic chain.

You’ll then find out that 2 Chainz likes to track with a Neumann U87 going into an Avalon 737 mic pre.

Now, you have to make sure the Orlando hip hop recording studio you are interested in has a Neumann U87 microphone and an Avalon 737 mic pre.

That simple.

If the studio doesn’t have the equipment to get that particular, sound you’re looking for then that’s probably not the right hip hop recording studio for you.

2. Engineer:   

The next important quality is the engineer you’ll be working with.

In some major recording studios in Orlando, Fl there are engineers who do not specialize in recording hip hop or rap music.

You should look for an engineer that knows the history of hip hop and how the genre has evolved throughout the years.

These type of audio engineers will be well versed in different vintage recording equipment and will be able to dial in the sonic characteristics you are looking for.

Hip Hop audio engineers should also know what’s current and be able to experiment to the point you say “that’s it, I want that sound”!

Some cheap recording studios in Orlando Florida will not have the right tools and engineering talent to help record your hip hop song.

Most producers are sound engineers by trade so they’ll know how to make a drum sound knock in a pro recording studio.

With good producers, all you would need to do is bounce your music wav files into track stems and you’ll have a workflow for a great recording session.

Since most hip hop recording sessions are made up of multitrack stems of vocals over a beat which usually contains the left and right channel that creates the instrumental 2 tracks stems the engineer will definitely need to know the difference between mixing and mastering.

3. Atmosphere:  

Nothing more, stalls creativity more than a sterile vibe. Artists and producers need an atmosphere to get the juices flowing.

Colorful rooms with great lighting will help create a good vibe to start. Try taking a tour of the Orlando hip hop recording studio you’re considering.

During the tour try to locate Hip Hop memorabilia like plaques, album covers, or posters around the studio. Having those items can serve as an indication of a studio that does Hip Hop and Rap music.

Don’t go to a studio that has taxidermy hanging in the lounge and assume they would be great at recording Hip hop music.

Smoking vs Non-Smoking studios - If you like to smoke in the studio that will limit the pool of Orlando music studios to choose from.

If smoking is an 4 important part of your creative process be sure to ask the studio about its smoking policy.

Studio lounges are an important factor as well. Lounges gives a place for artists to gear up for their session and a place for them to disconnect and clear their heads.

Many lounges have TVs, video games, and arcade systems to entertain them and their guests.

Believe it or not a lot of writers and producers like to create in the lounges as well simply because a relaxing comfortable environment will induce a creative spark.

So, lounges are good music pre production spaces.

The more spaces a creative can utilize the better chance a creator can find their vibe and have a successful studio session.

In Conclusion

To bring everything full circle, music studios in Orlando, Fl should have the top of the line equipment, engineers, and atmosphere to help an Orlando Hip Hop Artists flourish and create the best songs possible.

If the professional studio has these 3 qualities, we went over then that’s a professional studio you should use to create your hip hop music.

Choosing an Orlando recording studio like Eastroom Suites for your next music project can provide you with a wealth of opportunities. Check out the link to see available times to record your next hit!

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